Dispatches From Neverwinter

A journal of my progress as I (attempt to) learn how to build modules for Neverwinter Nights.

Location: United States

Started playing Neverwinter Nights back in November '05 and got hooked. Tried to write my own module, but I just didn't have the time. Maybe I'll try again someday.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I've been frustrated for some time now at my inability to find time to work on the module. Not only is the pace slow, but the longer I don't work on it, the more I forget how to do things. I've been wanting to get in a full day's work on it at some point, so I made today that day. I got up early (for a weekend, that is), went straight to work, and put in, I'd say, about nine hours of work.

And got very little accomplished.

It wasn't because I let myself get distracted or because I slacked. Rather, it was more a series of frustrating events, along with a bad decision or two. First, I tried to figure out how to write a skill check using my own DC numbers, rather than going with the standard method. Once again, it didn't work, and after looking around for a while, I finally gave up and posted to the forum for help. Except the site wasn't working, so after two tries I gave up.

Then I decided to add the CMP and the rural extended tileset to my module. No problems there, but then I decided that I was going to start setting the music for each area, figuring that it would be better to do it now and then as I go along, rather than all at once at the end. The problem is that the CMP has a huge number of tracks to go through. I decided to start making notes for each track describing what it was like, so that I wouldn't have to listen to every track every time I wanted to pick music. As I said, the CMP has a huge number of tracks to go through, and after a while it gets very numbing. What's more, I didn't really find music that really fit what I wanted. Finally, after going through a huge chunk of it, I decided maybe I would put all the music in at once at the end.

Then I started messing around with the city interior tileset again, trying to learn how to construct buildings the way I want to. However, I got nowhere with this: the tileset seems to be designed to produce maximum frustration. Since the next part of the module up was the village of Cheswick, I decided to import the three prefab villages. Two were fine, but one slowed my computer to a crawl, so after wasting some time trying to use it, I finally deleted it. Then I selected the prefab I wanted to use and began to make changes, figuring that it'd be a relatively quick process. It wasn't. In fact, in retrospect it probably would have been quicker to build one from scratch. I made a ton of changes, spent a long time putting down placeables, and gave myself an ulcer trying to get rid of a hill that was in the prefab. I now have the village exterior more or less how I want it, but just about nothing else is done: I didn't put down any transitions or encounter triggers, and now I've got about a dozen house/farm/barn interiors to do. Even with the prefabs, it's going to take a lot of work.

The only bright spot is that I finally was able to post my question about the skill check script, and I got an answer: the person who wrote the example I copied left out a semicolon, which is why it didn't work. It figures.


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